Adventure WV

Adventure WV strives to foster personal growth, leadership development, social responsibility, and student success through adventure-based and experiential education programming. The program is guided by the values of integrity, student-centrism, community and collaboration, challenge, quality and professionalism and adventure.

Your support empowers Adventure WV to:

  • Provide scholarships for students to participate in our extended and international trips. These opportunities encourage students to prioritize personal growth, leadership development, and social responsibility.
  • Cultivate relationships with academic and campus partners to support the overall retention effort at WVU. Our aim is to collaborate to identify vulnerable populations and strategically engage these student segments with empirically driven program experiences.
  • Provide professional development opportunities to our student staff. This allows our staff to expand their leadership and enhance our effectiveness of peer-to-peer programs.

When you make a gift—no matter the size—you help make an immediate impact for Adventure WV and our students. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are appreciated!

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Questions? See our FAQ.

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