WV Clinical & Translational Science Institute

MAVERICK: Mobile Access Vehicle Enhancing Research and Inspiring Community Knowledge 

Clinical trials offer new cutting-edge medical treatments to those in need, yet people living in rural areas are drastically underrepresented in clinical trials. Traditionally, clinical trials are conducted at hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, universities and other similar locations, but in rural areas, the road to participation can be rough. 

The travel and time burdens experienced by potential study participants are often barriers to their enrollment in clinical research. Rural populations also experience significant health disparities in comparison to their urban and suburban counterparts. They are more likely to die from heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease and stroke, which makes their participation in clinical research critically important. 

It is estimated that only 10% of clinical trials have sites in traditionally rural states such as West Virginia. Not surprisingly, in recent West Virginia community forums, residents reported that they have not participated in clinical trials because they have not been asked. 

The West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI) is changing that by taking research on the road with the launch of MAVERICK – a 40-foot motorcoach-style vehicle that offers two exam rooms, a lavatory, waiting/intake area and telehealth capacity to safely engage participants in clinical trials. In partnership with the West Virginia Practice-Based Network and others, MAVERICK provides clinical trial opportunities in even the most rural areas of the state. 

MAVERICK is managed and operated by WVCTSI – a statewide organization building research infrastructure to improve health outcomes in West Virginia. MAVERICK launched with two full-time staff – a director and a driver. WVCTSI clinical study coordinators staff the vehicle as needed for specific trials. The vehicle is based in Morgantown but travels across the state to bring trials to the people of West Virginia, with no out-of-pocket costs for participants. 


  • Two private patient exam rooms 
  • Lab area for drawing and processing of patient samples 
  • Reception area 
  • Bathroom 


During each visit, participants undergo various assessments, including medical examinations, laboratory tests, and interviews. The specific procedures depend on the nature of the trial. Participants receive clear instructions and have the opportunity to ask questions before any procedures are conducted. 

Participant safety is a top priority in clinical trials. Mobile units are equipped with the necessary facilities and trained staff to ensure a safe and controlled environment. Participants are provided with detailed information about the trial, potential risks, and benefits before consenting to participate. Additionally, mobile clinical trials adhere to the same rigorous ethical and scientific standards as trials conducted in traditional settings. The protocols and procedures are carefully designed and monitored to ensure participant safety and the validity of the research findings. 


The estimated annual operating budget for MAVERICK is $251,882. A $350,000 grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health provided funding to launch the program, but private support is essential to help the program grow to reach every corner of West Virginia. Your generosity creates opportunities to visit more communities and enroll more patients in potentially lifesaving clinical trials.

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