Statler College of Engineering & Mineral Resources

The WVU Day of Giving is one of the most impactful ways to address the needs of students at Statler College. This year, the college is committed to focusing our efforts across all departments on student experiential learning. Not only does this annual fundraiser help alleviate financial stressors from students but it also gives them a more valuable educational experience through improved equipment in labs and increased funds for student organizations and competitions. 

We urge you to participate — no matter the size of the gift. While your gift can be counted towards any fund that you choose, we are putting a special emphasis on the following funding opportunities:  

College of Engineering Scholarship - 2S098

A continued emphasis on financial aid and merit scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students will ensure affordability and enhance competitiveness for recruiting and graduating our students.

Engineering Student Activities - 2W180 

The Statler College has over 50 student organizations, clubs and competition teams involved in everything from K-12 STEM outreach to winning and placing in international championships like the Mine Rescue Competition, University Rover Challenge and the F1Tenth Competition. This fund provides students with hands-on experiential learning that is vital to their professional growth and success in their careers.

Statler College Engagement - 2W1426

This fund will support experiential learning through community engagement between faculty, staff, students and alumni of Statler College.

Statler Dean's Fund - 2U036

Unrestricted gifts help cover costs other funding may not cover and are readily available to be easily directed where needed most, such as financial assistance to students for certification fees, professional conferences, travel and registration. This fund also helps the College strategize upgrades to teaching labs and student study areas. 


Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Experiential Learning - 2W2005

This Experiential Learning Fund will provide financial support to undergraduate students including expenses for equipment and supplies for ChemE Cube, ChemE Car, Chem Brew and Solar-Powered Electric Scooter, as well as other experiential learning projects that are part of Capstone design in the department, student clubs, organizations and competition teams and career and professional development conferences.

Civil & Environmental Engineering Department - 2V003

This fund supports general operations in the department along with upgrades and maintenance to teaching labs, research, and travel for faculty and students to engage in experiential learning opportunities.

Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Department - 2V069

This fund will allow supporting new lab plans for enhanced experiential learning, CSEE teaching and outreach to prospective students.

Industrial Engineering Department - 2V070

This fund will be primarily used to provide resources to students for the WVU Industrial Engineering Capstone program, and travel funds for faculty and students to represent WVU at local, regional or national conferences. 

Mechanical, Materials, & Aerospace Engineering Department Experiential Learning - 2W1882

This fund supports experiences outside the classroom that enhance the overall education experience. These programs allow students to engage in hands-on experiences, build teamwork skills with faculty and peers, network with industry representatives and community partners and provide today's students with practical experience and knowledge needed to address challenges and solve real-world problems.

Mining Engineering Department - 2W090

Essential for the success of our faculty and students, the funds will support virtual reality technology for teaching and recruiting purposes, students’ participation in regional/national conferences and design competitions, scholarships for current and future mining students.

Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Department - 2V078

Private support is crucial to our continued success. This year, our goal is to increase and emphasize the experiential learning experiences for our PNGE students which includes increasing support for PNGE Capstone or PNGE Design courses, student representation at the Society of Petroleum Engineers and American Association of Drilling Engineering conferences, undergraduate research opportunities and corporate field trips — exposing students to real-world industries and networking with professionals.

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