College of Law

At West Virginia University’s College of Law, Mountaineers continue to gain the foundational knowledge and skills to become successful leaders in our community, our state, and our nation.

By providing a rigorous and supportive academic environment, WVU Law challenges students to understand the vital issues facing West Virginians, build a solid and knowledgeable legal foundation, and serve the community and beyond with practical learning experiences from our award-winning clinics.

Join us in empowering the next generation of lawyers. Your support is an investment for our students and our state.

Please consider making your gift today to help support the WVU College of Law in the following critical areas:

Law General Scholarship Fund – 2S046

  • Change the life of a student with a gift of support to our scholarship fund. Our students face tremendous challenges and overcome so much to complete their degrees and prepare for future careers. Your gift will help take one of the biggest concerns off a student’s mind: Paying for education. Help our Law students thrive with a gift to the Law General College Scholarship fund today!

 Law Clinic Endowment – 3V270

  • Honor a law school legend, Marjorie McDiarmid, by helping us build our Law Clinic Endowment. The clinics embody WVU Law's land-grant mission of public service and they are a cornerstone of our legal education experience. Providing experiential learning for our students while giving the citizens of West Virginia the help they need, WVU Clinical Law provides on average, more than 40,000 hours of pro bono legal aid per year.

College of Law Greatest Needs – 2U042

  • Giving to the Dean’s Opportunity Fund allows the WVU College of Law the flexibility to help in all areas — from research to scholarships to specific student and faculty needs to other opportunities that advance our land-grant mission.

Centennial College of Law Fund – 2V185

  • Provides support to our many student organizations and activities that assist students in developing leadership skills and gaining practice-ready skills 
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