Club Sports

Your support is critical to help the WVU Club Sports program go above and beyond. We rely on passionate, loyal, and caring members of the Mountaineer family, like you, to provide important opportunities for our Club Sports Student Athletes and the greater WVU community.

Club Sports offers the opportunity to develop a sense of belonging by finding a community on-campus while staying active through sports.

Your support empowers the WVU Club Sports program to create incredible opportunities and impact by:

  • Providing the opportunity to pay for travel costs
    • These opportunities allow our students and clubs to travel and compete against other universities in their leagues and post-season play
  • Providing the opportunity to pay league and tournament registration fees.
    • This will allow our clubs to join different leagues for competition play.
  • Improving sports & medical equipment available for club use
    • This opportunity allows the students to be able to have improved standards of care and improved equipment to improve their training and game experience.

When you make a gift – no matter the amount – you will help make an immediate impact on the Club Sports program. Your spirited generosity and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated.

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Questions? See our FAQ.

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