Your support empowers the WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute to create incredible opportunities, including highly specialized education for nurses, medical students, advanced practice professionals, and physicians.
Your support will assist with programs like the WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute's Fresh Tissue Training Program. This program, developed in 2018, is one of the premier locations for surgical and procedural training in the United States. The cutting-edge training techniques utilize FRESH HUMAN CADAVERS WITH VASCULAR PERFUSION allowing for high fidelity tissue handling and dynamic simulation to afford the learners the most realistic simulation environment available today.
Under the direction of Dr. Daniel Grabo, a nationally recognized trauma surgeon and pioneer in surgical education, the Fresh Tissue Training Program has grown to include nearly 50 educational sessions for 120 WVU medical students and residents as well as 60+ partnered military trainees in 2021. In addition, Dr. Grabo is the National Director for the American College of Surgeons Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma Course, which he personally runs multiple times per year for surgical trainees and faculty throughout the State of West Virginia.
Other programs your support will assist at the WVU Critical Care and Trauma Institute:
The WVU CCTI is also certified by the Society of Critical Care Medicine to instruct the Fundamental Critical Care Support Course. Dr. Gregory Schaefer, Medical Director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, is the lead course director. The Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) course prepares non-intensivists to manage critically ill patients for the first 24 hours until transfer or appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged.
Lunch and Learns are a more formalized didactic style event held quarterly, under the direction of Dr. Lauren Dudas, WVU CCTI Education Committee Chair. These sessions are scenario based, patient care related topics designed to enhance the understanding and education of our clinical staff hospital wide. These sessions are broadcast live to allow all WVU Health System hospitals the ability to participate and receive this valuable education.
When you make a gift—no matter the size—you help make an immediate impact and allow us to continue providing advanced trauma care for the people of the state and region.