Science Adventure School (SAS) is a 4-day, 3-night outdoor program dedicated to empowering and educating West Virginia’s youth. We integrate adventure sports, hands-on STEM curriculum, and outdoor experiential education methods to foster student development and build excitement for the outdoors and learning. SAS addresses critical issues in WV through carefully curated experiences that inspire inquiry, instill confidence, and empower the future workforce and leaders of tomorrow.
Our program aims to not just get students excited to learn, but to build a sense of belonginess and pride in WV through activities that connect us back to our roots and allow students to explore WV treasures. Our four sites include the world-class Summit Bechtel Reserve, WVU’s own historic Jackson's Mill, the WVU Adventure WV Outdoor Education Center, and Heritage Farm Museum and Village.
Further, SAS does not only benefit the students and teachers we directly serve. A study done by the WVU Bureau of Business and Economic Research revealed that Science Adventure School will generate a significant return to the WV economy.
This is a unique opportunity to provide a lifelong impact to our students, help WV prepare for tomorrow with a strong, proud workforce, and provide WV an economic super-boost. We want this opportunity to be accessible to every community across WV, but we can’t get there without your support.
Our goal is to continue to provide this program for free to families, so every dollar goes to helping students gain access to Science Adventure School. Your monetary donations will go directly towards your choice of student support in one of these areas:
WV Science Adventure School Fund (2W1351) – Donations received to this account will go towards student tuition. Each dollar raised here translates to more students accessing SAS. It’s important for us that the program is never cost prohibitive for students who need it most, and we can only achieve that with your help.
Science Adventure School Student Assistance Fund (2W1595) – Because we encourage all students to attend SAS from every walk of life, it is common that we encounter students who may be lacking the clothing, shoes, or other gear needed for a fun and comfortable week. Further, if we find any student has a need extending beyond the week at SAS, those students can take a warm jacket, shoes that fit, or other needed items home with them.
Thank you so much for your support.